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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

I'm originally from Kentucky and somehow wound up in Texas. I miss trees that live out the seasons and my family. I've been blessed with amazing friends, not weather or scenery, but fabulous people. I love them!


Nov. 3, 2006 Journal

I don’t really know what day it is, but I think it’s Friday.

We arrived in Kenya this morning. The Sudan team also made it with us. By the grace of God, all our luggage arrived. We saw Susan waiting for us in a whole sea of drivers with signs. She introduced us to Tom and Bernard. They are both driving us around. As soon as we pulled away from the airport, we could see giraffes in the distance. Whoah.

We saw the plains with thorn trees. We saw huge birds that were scavengers and beautiful purple flowered trees and other flowers. And Africans of every kind and some other cultures as well. All kinds of people were walking along the street. The others were crowded in vans almost sitting on top of one another.

We then went to Tina’s house (Susan’s sister), then to our Methodist hotel. And then to Bashara (?) street in downtown Nairobi—which is crazy (tall buildings, business people, but no driving rules, and then other things that look completely third world). Then back to Jane’s house (another sister) and we got to meet Baby Grace who is only a week old.

I’m so sleepy. I’m fading. Susan is my roomie. She’s sleeping soundly.

I met Derek, Brennan, Timothy, Hazel, and Kevin—all nieces and nephews of Susan. And I met precious Dee. I don’t think I’ve ever hugged anyone like that before. Praise God. Praise God. I suppose that’s what hugs will be like in heaven.